The Benefits of Establishing a Long-Term Relationship With a Family Physician

Dr. Abraham Golbari and the team at Crenshaw Family Medical Group are committed to providing residents in and around Gardena, CA with the effective and high-quality family medicine they deserve.

Benefits of a Long-Term Relationship With Your Family Care Provider

At one point, everyone in the family would see the same town doctor. As more physicians became available, people began branching out. Eventually, many people stopped seeing the point of regularly visiting one physician and began skipping check-ups altogether.

Unfortunately, this has led to many people not receiving the quality care they need. Dr. Golbari and the team at Crenshaw Family Medical Group of Gardena, CA explain the benefits of having a long-term relationship with a family medicine provider. 

Personalized Care 

How often have you visited a new doctor who tried to provide advice but that advice conflicted with another factor? For example, they might suggest you add more protein to your diet but you have digestive issues that impact how you can eat. Their advice is sound, but it doesn’t suit your needs.

This is less likely to occur with a regular physician. They get to know you, your medical history, your lifestyle factors, and more. This information allows them to make more personalized recommendations.

Earlier Detection of Potential or Current Issues 

When you don’t have a regular physician or regular visits with your physician, you’re likely waiting until you don’t feel good or you’re in pain to seek care. Typically, this is when the issue has progressed to a stage that either requires a great deal of work or is too far along to successfully treat.

As your regular physician gets to know you, they can more easily discern when something isn’t quite right. They can then perform the necessary evaluations and tests to determine what might be going on and recommend treatment options early. 

Trust and Respect 

It’s easier to follow the recommendations of someone you trust who has sent you in the right direction before. As your regular physician sees you over the years, you’ll develop the necessary amount of trust to feel confident in what they tell you. This leads to a higher chance of you sticking to your treatment plan and achieving a better outcome. 

Learn more about the benefits of an ongoing relationship with a family medicine provider by visiting Dr. Golbari at Crenshaw Family Medical Group in Gardena, CA. Call (310) 327-8746 to schedule an appointment today. 

Dr. Abraham Golbari and the team at Crenshaw Family Medical Group are committed to providing residents in and around Gardena, CA with the effective and high-quality family medicine they deserve.

Benefits of a Long-Term Relationship With Your Family Care Provider

At one point, everyone in the family would see the same town doctor. As more physicians became available, people began branching out. Eventually, many people stopped seeing the point of regularly visiting one physician and began skipping check-ups altogether.

Unfortunately, this has led to many people not receiving the quality care they need. Dr. Golbari and the team at Crenshaw Family Medical Group of Gardena, CA explain the benefits of having a long-term relationship with a family medicine provider. 

Personalized Care 

How often have you visited a new doctor who tried to provide advice but that advice conflicted with another factor? For example, they might suggest you add more protein to your diet but you have digestive issues that impact how you can eat. Their advice is sound, but it doesn’t suit your needs.

This is less likely to occur with a regular physician. They get to know you, your medical history, your lifestyle factors, and more. This information allows them to make more personalized recommendations.

Earlier Detection of Potential or Current Issues 

When you don’t have a regular physician or regular visits with your physician, you’re likely waiting until you don’t feel good or you’re in pain to seek care. Typically, this is when the issue has progressed to a stage that either requires a great deal of work or is too far along to successfully treat.

As your regular physician gets to know you, they can more easily discern when something isn’t quite right. They can then perform the necessary evaluations and tests to determine what might be going on and recommend treatment options early. 

Trust and Respect 

It’s easier to follow the recommendations of someone you trust who has sent you in the right direction before. As your regular physician sees you over the years, you’ll develop the necessary amount of trust to feel confident in what they tell you. This leads to a higher chance of you sticking to your treatment plan and achieving a better outcome. 

Learn more about the benefits of an ongoing relationship with a family medicine provider by visiting Dr. Golbari at Crenshaw Family Medical Group in Gardena, CA. Call (310) 327-8746 to schedule an appointment today. 

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